Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The big one: my R/C cars

Okay folks, this is the big one. I have broken down and am selling all my R/C cars and accessories in a single go. I hate to do this, and I wouldn't if I were staying put, but I just do not have room for all this stuff to take it across the country again!

When it came out, the JRx2 was the very top of the line in terms of 2WD off road electric radio control excitement. There was nothing better, and it immediately started taking away the checkered flag from the RC 10. What was even better, the JRx2 did not need a ton of fancy "hop-up" parts to make it competition-worthy. It was a complete competition-worthy set, right out of the box.

Later, I got myself a TL-101 four wheel drive on road car for some parking lot fun. I bought some upgrades for it, but never got around to installing them. I'll miss these guys. They are a ton of fun, but the sad truth is I never get around to taking them out for a spin. It's sad, really, and I hope they find a home where someone will drive them until their gears wear out!
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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

This is a well-used Sunbeam
.  These mixers are practically
indestructable and I think this particular model has made more cookies
than the Keebler elves.  Comes with the bowl shown in the

craigslist - Share on Ovi

craigslist - Share on OviThis was my grandma's mixer, which I inherited when she passed. It has been a workhorse, but I have a Kitchen Aid Professional 6 now and really have no need for two mixers. I like to bake, but I just don't do it all that much. Still, the Sunbeam is a cool mixer because you can detach the head (I didn't know this for a long, long time) and use it as a -kinda heavy- hand mixer.
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